In the aftermath of the pandemic, there's a heightened interest in telehealth solutions.
“Telehealth, once a slow but steady growth industry, is booming as the coronavirus pandemic has increased patient demand and regulatory support — and many providers will require funding to sustain momentum, industry experts said.”
Yiqin Shen, Claire Rychlewski, Troy Hooper and Kyle LaHucik, Demand For Telehealth Services Amid Pandemic Just What The Doctor Ordered For Investors, ​Forbes, ​April 22/20.
“One reason for the surge is the lifting of regulatory barriers. The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) has expanded telehealth benefits for Medicare beneficiaries. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency also temporarily lifted a provision in the Ryan Haight Act that required an in-person exam before providers could electronically prescribe controlled substances, said Kristy Kimball, a partner at the Utah law firm Holland & Hart. She also said the Department of Health and Human Services is allowing the use of non-HIPAA-compliant communication tools in telehealth, such as FaceTime and Skype.”
Yiqin Shen, Claire Rychlewski, Troy Hooper and Kyle LaHucik, Demand For Telehealth Services Amid Pandemic Just What The Doctor Ordered For Investors, ​Forbes, ​April 22/20.
“McKinsey now estimates that telehealth will be a quarter trillion – that’s no typo – dollar opportunity​, up from about $3 billion in U.S. revenues pre-coronavirus.”
Wunker, Stephen, How To Make The Coronavirus-Led Growth Of Telehealth Into An Investment Thesis, Forbes, J​une 16/20.
“Telehealth — healthcare delivered remotely — has been offered for decades, yet only 11% of Americans used it in 2019. Not surprisingly, as COVID-19 changes the way we interact in all aspects of life, many patients are swiftly embracing virtual healthcare, with 46% of U.S. consumers now using telehealth. At a New England academic medical center, ​the telehealth utilization rate for routine health visits jumped from 1% before COVID-19 to 85% today​.”
Teri Oelrich, The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Boosted Telehealth; Here’s How Existing Spaces Can Support Virtual Visits, ​Forbes, ​June 8/20.